Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 11/18/2024 - 5:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: 3.2 Approval of New District Credit Cards
Attachment Summary
File Attachment:
Quick Summary / Abstract: District Policy states that Board approval must be obtained prior to issuing a credit card.
Background: Our Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of Business Services have requested a US Bank Cal Card to be used for expenses incurred in the course of District business. In addition, the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services has requested an American Express so that the District has a second card that can be used if the primary District American Express card is compromised.
Status Receipts documenting the expenses incurred on a District credit card shall be submitted promptly following return from travel. Under no circumstances shall personal expenses be charged on a district credit card, even if the employee intends to subsequently reimburse the district for the personal charges.
Fiscal Impact All credit card charges will be paid from budgeted accounts corresponding to the expense incurred.
Superintendent's Recommendation: The Superintendent’s recommendation is that our Board of Trustees approve issuing new District credit cards.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Kayla Wasley - Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
Signed By:
Torie F. Gibson, Ed.D. - Superintendent
Vote Results: